Alright, I think you all get the picture. Baby number two will be here around the end of June. We are excited and nervous to add another little person to our family. In the weeks that I knew I was pregnant but still hadn't told anyone I had numerous people give me advice on how I should wait until Haiden is three to have another baby (Thanks Stef!) or how I should wait until Haiden is passed the terrible two stage (MOM!) and all the while I just smiled and listened intently to all this good advice. We love you all and who knows when all this is over we just might take that advice into consideration before the next one!
On a lighter and slightly more embarrassing note; shortly after Haiden was born there was a story on the news about these at home gender predicticion tests that you can do around 10 weeks. I was bound and determined to take one with my next baby. Soooooo, when 10 weeks came along I went to the store and bought this.........
And acording to this I am having a........
Don't worry, I am not totally crazy! I haven't gone out and bought a whole new boy wardrobe or anything. I am still thinking realistically and waiting to see what the ultrasound says in February before I spend all sorts of money but for now it is fun to have some what of an idea. According to the box, this test is 82% accurate if done correctly. We shall just see!
Never Say Never
1 week ago
How exciting! I hope it's accurate! It's really fun to have a boy right after a girl - just something different. =o)
I still feel terrible about what I said - you do what you want to do. That's what right for your family. People are ALWAYS willing to give free advice about babies and kids. Just ignore us. =o)
You will love having them whenever they come! Our boys are 2, 3, then 2 1/2 years apart. The first two spacers have been awesome and I know this one will be equally as good :) I have just found we can't control when they come so we are just happy when they are here ;) Hope you are feeling well
how exciting we are expecting number three in april. I saw this test in the parents magazine so i took it as well. We will see how accurate. We had the ultrasound already but it is wrapped under the tree so christmas morning we will find out the gender.
So excited for you on number two. I think it is hard no matter what:}
Congrats you guys!!!! WOW #2, good luck with that;) Oh and just so you know there is no such thing as terrible two's, it's the threes that you should worry about;) SO excited for you guys, congrats!!!
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