Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Happy Holidays!

Hope you all had a Merry Christmas! Ours turned out to be really fun, however we forgot to take any pictures. Haiden got a baby doll and stroller from Santa Claus, she has not put it down since she opened it up. It's cute to see her play with it. Joe and I were spoiled as well. Today i managed to get some pictures of Haiden enjoying the snow. She loves being outside no matter how cold it is. Grandma even took her for a sleigh ride today! Hope the rest of the holidays turns out well for everyone. Here comes 20101

Monday, December 14, 2009

Baby Update!

Alright, I think you all get the picture. Baby number two will be here around the end of June. We are excited and nervous to add another little person to our family. In the weeks that I knew I was pregnant but still hadn't told anyone I had numerous people give me advice on how I should wait until Haiden is three to have another baby (Thanks Stef!) or how I should wait until Haiden is passed the terrible two stage (MOM!) and all the while I just smiled and listened intently to all this good advice. We love you all and who knows when all this is over we just might take that advice into consideration before the next one!
On a lighter and slightly more embarrassing note; shortly after Haiden was born there was a story on the news about these at home gender predicticion tests that you can do around 10 weeks. I was bound and determined to take one with my next baby. Soooooo, when 10 weeks came along I went to the store and bought this.........
And acording to this I am having a........
Don't worry, I am not totally crazy! I haven't gone out and bought a whole new boy wardrobe or anything. I am still thinking realistically and waiting to see what the ultrasound says in February before I spend all sorts of money but for now it is fun to have some what of an idea. According to the box, this test is 82% accurate if done correctly. We shall just see!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

2 months- Really? That long?

So I have been a blogging slacker for the past month or so. Sorry! Not alot of exciting things have happened and i haven't been a good picture taker either. None the less, they say a picture is worth a thousand words so I will let this one do all the talking!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Hogle Zoo!

Today we decided to take Haiden to Hogle Zoo. She loves animals and gets excited everytime we see one. She absolutely loved the zoo! She smiled the whole time and was such a little trooper. She kept trying to climb all the fences and just wanted to touch everything. Here are a few pictures from the day. The baby elephant was my favorite!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Better late than never!

We are really slow at posting these pictures, partly because we were really slow getting them taken. These are Haiden's one year pictures. She looks so big. I can't believe how fast the time has gone. She has grown up so fast. Everyday she learns something new. She has mastered the word NO and her personality is so fun to see. Hope you all enjoy!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I warned you that there were lots of Pictures!

So next up on or agenda we went to the beach. Haiden enjoyed playing in the sand. She didn't like the taste of salt water much and had a hard time walking in the sand but enjoyed herself anyways.

These are the nasty iguanas that were always hanging around the hotel. You can see that there is a fence there but it is all broken and bent so some of these creatures sneak out from time to time. Joe loved them I would rather not ever look at them again.

So I saved the best for last. We took a private tour to a couple of the Mayan ruins. There were awesome. Our tour guides were lds and have studied Book of Mormon history for a long time. During the tour they point out and explain alot of things that correlate with the Book of Mormon. They were able to explain how they know when the people were living rightously and when they were not just by the way the temples and structures were built. It was a pretty amazing experience to learn about this part of our history. It would take days to explain what all the pictures are so I won't but you get the idea. We were able to climb up to the top of one of the buildings. We was steep and kind of scary but the view was amazing. The first set of pictures are from TULUM.

These are from COBA. It was fun because all the ruins were hidden in the jungle.

MeXiCo: Warning, Lots of Pictures!

So my little family just returned from Cancun. We spent a week in Mexico and had a blast. Although the plane rides were a challenge with a one year old whom after 5 hours of flying was stir crazy and just wanted to run around, we were glad that we decided to take her with us. She was fun to have around. Every time we would walk by someone (which was often) Haiden would say Hi. Everybody loved her. We spent alot of time in the pool, the weather was REALLY hot! Overall we spent alot of time relaxing and enjoying the mexican culture. We even made it out without getting the Swine Flu!

View from Our Hotel Balcony!

Haiden and Joe in the Pool! We swam alot! It was the only way to cool off!

Haiden and Joe just hanging out! We loved having Dad around without any work interuptions! We especially loved that the cell phone was "out of area" during the week.

Submarine Ride to see the Coral Reef and the Fish! Not the greatest pictures but what can you do from inside a tin can?

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

One Year Old!

One year ago on this day.....

And Now....

Man how fast time flies!!! We love each and every day with her! Happy 1st Birthday Haiden!

Thursday, June 25, 2009


This is how the last week has gone for Haiden and I:

7:00- Wake-up, eat breakfast (while watching Sesame Street), play with toys
9:00- Mom goes to boot camp, Haiden plays with aunt Kellie (usually consists of a walk and lots of play time.
11:30-Mom and Tot swim class
12:30- Play in the pool, lay out, eat lunch, swim some more, lay out again.
2:00- Home for Nap!
4:00- Time to shower, start dinner, etc
5:00- Dad comes home, eat dinner, play time again
7:00- Watch tv, go on walks, play with toys
9:00- Bedtime

Aren't we spoiled! Thank heavens for such a good husband who works so hard so that Haiden and I can lounge around all day!

Thursday, June 18, 2009


Well Haiden started walking about a week and a half ago! Everyday, she gets a little better and walks a little further. It is crazy to see such a small person walking! She is so darn cute. Here is a little video for entertainment purposes.

On another note, not much is new here at the Cullumber house. We are busy with work as usual. I chopped my hair off at the beginning of June and am yet to get a decent picture of it. I will keep trying but for those who can picture things in their head, it is an a-line cut and just under my chin in the front. It's a change but I am getting used to it. I also signed myself up for boot camp at the Sports Academy. It really is what the name states. I go three days a week for an hour and literally get my butt kicked. I feel so good though getting back in shape! Anyone interested let me know. It's always more fun with a friend.

And last but not least, another picture of Haiden. Our window seals are low and she loves us to open the blinds so she can look out. It's pretty cute because she has to stand on her toes to see.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Say What!

Two updates in one Day! How did we all get so lucky. We have been super busy the past month with work and what not. Hiaden is getting so big. She has started standing up on her own without holding onto anything! She has also mastered the art of climing the stairs. She is everywhere nowdays, I just love chasing her around the house all day! It keeps me entertained! The other day I was unloading the dishwasher and she decided to help. Nevermind the commentary. You don't realize how stupid you sound until you hear your own voice on video.

I also caught Haiden dancing the other day. She has learned how to turn on the stereo. When I got the camera out she turned shy on me. What a stinker! Sorry the video is so dark, I didn't have the lights on.

Oh What Do You Do in the Summertime?

We dig large holes in the front yard and then stick our arms in them to find the large leak!!! Sounds like fun don't ya think! Joe would beg to differ!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

9 MoNtHs oLd!!

Well my baby turned 9 months old today! Crazy how fast time flies, I can hardly remember back to when she was just a brand new baby or when she was six weeks old and sleeping through the night! Ever since her teeth started coming in, around 4 months or so, she has not slept through the night. She wakes up at least once and just wants to be held, she falls right back asleep when we pick her up but if we lay her down she is wide awake again. It's very frustrating. Because I am gone alot at night, Joe will just bring her into our bed. I think she has gotten used to that now and I don't know how to break the habit, plus at three o'clock in the morning your patience goes out the window and anything to get her back to sleep sooner takes over. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! I think we are both way to soft to just let her cry it out! On a happier note, my sister and I attempted to take some pictures of her in her Easter dress today. It was a spur of the moment thing so her hair is a little crazy but they turned out okay! Joe bought me a camera for Christmas in hopes that I would stop paying people to take her pictures. I still need so work though! Hope you all enjoy, have a great Easter!